January 1, 2010

MLM Traffic 100-Day Challenge: Day 1

Hi guys,

Here is Day 1 of the 100-Day Challenge.

I am still recovering from some lazy vacations so what I did today is 2 things:
  1. I created this blogger blog about this challenge that I will keep updating everyday with what is going on and how the traffic is increasing on my MLM Success blog at http://www.PerigVennetier.com.
  2. I posted a Squidoo lens about myself. They say it's one of the first thing to do. I guess this will be my new piece for today : http://www.squidoo.com/Who-Is-Perig-Vennetier
  3. I posted the same on HubPages (http://hubpages.com/hub/Who-Is-Perig-Vennetier).
  4. All 2 pieces of content pointing back to my blog for 2 strong back links (deep linking to my "About Perig" page).
In the coming days, I will put all the pieces together for a very powerful traffic generation system.


    1. Excellent work... This would take me a week... Working on getting up to your standards.


    2. Thanks Alecia. I will do my best to make the most out of this challenge. Let's help each other and hold each other accountable.
